Art in this country has always been disregarded and contemned. One would say that after all these thousands of years of art producing, there would be solid mechanisms and ways, that the state would use to protect and endorse art & artists. I mean on a mere civic way, not an ethical one, or with a sense of duty towards the acclaimed backbone of general mental health and evolution, that is art. But no.
For almost a year now, artists and all associated and co-depended professions, are without an income. The state provides in a disorganized and rough way, benefits of 500 euros, every now and then.
Further more, no mechanism of security has been designed by the state to help the restart of this sector that feeds thousands of people. Actually, very few countries are moving towards this direction.
So we are in despair.
Photo: The End of Civilisation – Douglas Gordon

Spring will prevail
Violently happy will over-storm us and conquer us. As always does. Photo by Melita Karali / @melitakarali